Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Child Protective Services in Bexar County, San Antonio, Texas, is out of control.

On May 29, 2009 – just as Tiffany Denson, CASA, told Kristopherson on May 14th, Judge Montemayor approved CPS taking Kristopherson into custody due to one missed therapy appointment in March! The ADA said, this child needs to be removed immediately and it is a matter of life and death, i.e.: Imminent Danger... of what? Of not seeing a therapist in March!? What is “imminent” about a concern made on May 14th, but not acted on until May 29th?

An 11 year-old boy, Kristopherson, returned home on March 5, 2009. –
Initially, becoming accustomed to being at home with different rules, and new schools, while his siblings were still in foster care, was rocky but he began to acclimate.

The first therapist approved by CPS, became ill and was hospitalized. Because Mom knew Kristopherson would need extra help when he first returned, Vanessa Carillo, caseworker, approved a couple of sessions with the family therapist. After a couple of weeks, March/April, his Mother was told to take him to see Arden Prior, a therapist.

Appointments were made, and an error in scheduling forced Mom to call and reschedule the therapy appointment. On the date of the rescheduled appointment, the Medicaid bus ran one hour late (a common issue for people with disabilities who have to use these buses for transportation, and easy to prove). Mom called Ms. Prior to let her know what the problem was. The Medicaid bus showed up one hour late, and Mom and son went to the office to see if the therapist was available. Arden Prior was gone.

Mom called Arden Prior numerous times and not receiving a return call, Mom contacted Vanessa Carillo, the caseworker. When Vanessa called Mom, she informed Mom that Arden Prior had fired Kristopherson as a client.

Isn’t there a requirement for therapists to inform parents who are court ordered to see her, when she fires them as a client? Are parents expected to read minds, or is this a way to make certain that clients fail to meet court orders? If you have encountered therapist Arden Prior, we would like to know about your experience.

Fortunately, Mom was referred to a much better therapist, who was able to meet Kristopherson’s needs, and they were beginning to establish a relationship; a child / therapist relationship. The last therapy appointment with Kristopherson was on May 20th, only NINE days before Tiffany Denson testified that the agency needed to remove Kristopherson immediately.

On May 14, the CASA worker, Tiffany Denson, appeared at the door and wanted to speak with Kristopherson. Mom informed Tiffany Denson that Kristopherson was home from school, running a fever, with the flu, and asked her to come another time. Tiffany appeared not to care about Kristopherson being sick as she went into the house, and tried to make this sick child talk to her.

On May 29, Tiffany Denson testified that the child was shut down, not communicative, and in serious danger.

Tiffany Denson testified that Mom is making the children hate her, the caseworkers, and their attorney, Elana Pearsol. Tiffany has no proof of this, but in family law courts, proof is not necessary.

Surely, the children's hatred for these people has nothing to do with them showing up at the kid’s schools at any time or day, and putting them into foster care! It works better to blame the Mother for everything that goes wrong with the children, in and out of foster care.

Although Kristopherson’s therapist disagreed with CPS’ decision to remove Kristopherson from his home, on May 29, the ADA in Judge Montemayor’s court stated 12 year-old Kristopherson needed to be removed from his home immediately. He was in Imminent Danger of Harm!

This Mother has never, NOT ONCE, had her children out of school without cause, the children have always had the clothes and food needed, and Mom has never allowed her child to walk around with a broken hand for three weeks; foster care does, but not this Mother! Although CPS has been involved in destroying the life of this family since September 8, 2004, not once has Mom been accused of abuse.

On May 29, 2009 – just as Tiffany Denson had told Kristopherson on May 14th, Judge Montemayor approved CPS taking Kristopherson into custody! The ADA said, this child needs to be removed immediately and it is a matter of life and death, i.e.: Imminent Danger... of what? Of not seeing a therapist in March!?

What is “imminent” about a concern made on May 14th, but not acted on until May 29th?

Oh surely there has to be more to this story... but, sadly enough, there is not more to the story!

On May 29, 2009, Kristopherson was taken from his school, and place in foster care because he missed one therapy appointment in March. Although Judge Montemayor stated he had previously ordered a zero tolerance for missed appointments, the records do not reflect this statement.

One judge in the District Courts in San Antonio stated, "We do not do crazy here." We need this judge to check in on Montemayor's court, and watch the crazies have a feeding frenzy.