Monday, March 30, 2015

Child accepts responsibility for guards' breaking bones

In August 2007, Judge Laura Parker gave approval for Hope4KidZ’ director to take Layne to New York for medical and psychiatric testing, freely monitored and administered by Dr. Louis Pupo and forensic psychologist Jill Jones-Soderman.

Successful in Wisconsin schools
In September 2007, Child Protective Services removed the boys from their mother’s care, citing neglectful supervision. Although approved by Judge Laura Parker, CPS prevented Hope4KidZ from obtaining the medical and psychiatric testing that responsible parents of children with disabilities obtain, to ensure an accurate diagnosis of physical, mental, environmental lead poisoning, and developmental issues, as presented by minor children. The Autism Society of San Antonio provides helpful resources.

As of Sunday, April 17, 2011, CPS denied two children with severe disabilities, complete medical and psychological evaluations, and assessments. The first requests to CPS for complete evaluations and assessments began in September 2004; when the boys were ages 9 and 11.

Layne, age 15, remains locked in the Corsicana Residential Treatment Center without any progress. When the child recently accepted full responsibility for three guards dislocating his shoulder and breaking his arm in the hallway of the school, the agency was pleased to see the child take responsibility for his actions. The adults do not accept responsibility for breaking his arm, dislocating his shoulder, forcing his shoulder back into the cuff, and for refusing medical care for a broken bone that was dislocated, as in a twisted arm break.

The child’s actions? With permission, he left his classroom to retrieve a point sheet from another room. When the hallway guard engaged the 15 year old, with extreme short stature, an attempt to retrieve a point sheet resulted in three guards physically dislocating his shoulder and breaking his arm.

The child accepted full responsibility for the actions of three guards. I am certain the child did not respond well to the hall-monitor talking in the hood-kinda’ language they use at the Corsicana RTC, and the guard’s attempt to incite a child with aggressive issues worked extremely well. The child accepted full responsibility. The child was the victim of three guards assaulting him, breaking his arm, dislocating his shoulder, and the refusal to seek appropriate medical care.

Wait until you see what happens when the child is fed up with being abused and decides to fight back, with a fresh chicken bone!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Layne ~ Foster Care to Juvenile Detention to Texas Prison Systems

Taken into foster care at age 9 and placed into institutional housing, when Layne was released from foster care, he thought he had been locked up for over a year, "for fighting with my brothers." His release was short-lived because he was terrified of CPS returning and taking him and his siblings. He lived in absolute terror until the school realized the error in suspending indefinitely, a child in special education. Realizing this was a violation of the Texas Education Policies, a home-bound teacher was provided to assist Layne in attaining his Individualized Education Program.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Layne ~ Foster Care to Juvenile Detention

We have a child in state foster care, who is in solitary confinement more often than not. Since September 14, 2006, Corsicana Juvie cannot figure out how to help a child, who was poisoned by his environment. According to the CDC, no level of lead is safe.

We must help this child who was wrongly convicted!

We positively can prove this child was wrongfully adjudicated. After FOUR months, held in the San Antonio Juvenile Detention Center, the child signed papers (a plea agreement) that he thought would let him go home.

The child was wrongly convicted and without an investigation. Law enforcement refused to take statements from 13 and 10 year-old witnesses, who were present and awake. Child passed a polygraph. Attorneys refused to defend this boy and he plead guilty to committing a felony that he had denied since age 10.